Monday, July 11, 2011
American Citizen Services July newsletter

Dear AARO Members,
Many thanks to all of you who came along to Zofin on Sunday and made the picnic such a fine afternoon.
Please find below the July 2011 newsletter from the ACS of the US Embassy. All queries should be directed to the contact details below.
Your AARO Board
From: Wisemiller, Jeremy R []
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 4:28 PM
Subject: American Citizen Services Prague - July 2011 Newsletter
Please find attached the July 2011 newsletter from American Citizen Services, U.S. Embassy Prague.
<<July 2011.pdf>>
American Citizen Services
U.S. Embassy Prague
Tel: +420-257-022-000
Fax: +420-257-022-809
This email is UNCLASSIFIED
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 7/11/2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
AARO - Summer Picnic - Zofin Garden Restaurant - Sunday July 10th
Dear AARO Members,
The picnic is approaching fast, why not cap off the holiday week with an afternoon enjoying your choice of indulgence at Zofin? Full details of the event are below.
We need final confirmation of attendance by this Friday, July 1st. You are welcome to invite friends and make a party of it, if you let me know in advance a table can be set aside for groups of 6 or more.
For your information, it is possible that this will be AARO Prague's final event. Pending a statement from our President, Bill Harter, I regret to inform you that there is a strong possibility, in the absence of a sensible proposition from the membership, that the group will shortly be closed down. Details of how this will happen and what will become of existing AARO Memberships and paid dues, will be addressed in due course.
For this reason, besides the obvious pleasures the event offers, I urge you on behalf of the Board and AARO Prague, to come along and support the group on July 10th for what may be the last time. If that proves to be the case, let's go out in style.
Jeremy Willis
VP Events
AARO Prague
You and your guests are cordially invited to the annual AARO Summer Picnic, once more to be held on Slovanský Island in downtown Prague, at the Žofín Garden Restaurant. The bandstand pavilion is reserved exclusively for AARO from 12 noon. On offer will be a welcome drink of Bohemia Sekt, unlimited access to the excellent buffet, which comprises grilled meats and fish, fresh salads, pizza and pasta dishes and more. You may partake of as much Pislner Urquell beer, quality Czech red and white wine and soft drinks as you wish during the course of the afternoon. There is also the inclusion of one Mojito cocktail per person, for those who fancy something a little more exotic.
For those of you yet to sample the delights of Žofín, this is an ideal opportunity to enjoy one of central Prague's most pleasant summertime spots. If recent weather is anything to go by, we stand to enjoy a relaxed afternoon by the river in fine surroundings and good company. A modern children's playground is adjacent to the pavilion for those of you who'd like to include children in the afternoon's pleasantries, there is also a professionally supervized children's area within the restaurant.
When: Sunday July 10th from 12 noon
Where: Žofín Garden Restaurant
Slovanský Ostrov, Prague 1
What: Unlimited buffet, wine, beer and soft drinks.
Cost: AARO Members 100 CZK per person
Guests 500 CZK per person, children under 14: 200 CZK*
* AARO members will be responsible for collecting fees from their guests and handing them to our Finance Chairs Don Hill and Maggie Lawson on the day.
Getting there:
Nearest metro: Narodni trida, then tram 6, 22 etc to Narodni divadlo.
Alternatively, metro to Karlovo namesti (Palackeho nam. exit), then tram 17 or 21 to Jiraskovo namesti (beside Fred and Ginger building).
Your AARO Board

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 6/29/2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
AARO - Summer Picnic - Zofin Garden Restaurant - Sunday July 10th
You and your guests are cordially invited to the annual AARO Summer Picnic, once more to be held on Slovanský Island in downtown Prague, at the Žofín Garden Restaurant. The bandstand pavilion is reserved exclusively for AARO from 12 noon. On offer will be a welcome drink of Bohemia Sekt, unlimited access to the excellent buffet, which comprises grilled meats and fish, fresh salads, pizza and pasta dishes and more. You may partake of as much Pislner Urquell beer, quality Czech red and white wine and soft drinks as you wish during the course of the afternoon. There is also the inclusion of one Mojito cocktail per person, for those who fancy something a little more exotic.
For those of you yet to sample the delights of Žofín, this is an ideal opportunity to enjoy one of central Prague's most pleasant summertime spots. If recent weather is anything to go by, we stand to enjoy a relaxed afternoon by the river in fine surroundings and good company. A modern children's playground is adjacent to the pavilion for those of you who'd like to include children in the afternoon's pleasantries, there is also a professionally supervized children's area within the restaurant.
When: Sunday July 10th from 12 noon
Where: Žofín Garden Restaurant
Slovanský Ostrov, Prague 1
What: Unlimited buffet, wine, beer and soft drinks.
Cost: AARO Members 100 CZK per person
Guests 500 CZK per person, children under 14: 200 CZK*
* AARO members will be responsible for collecting fees from their guests and handing them to our Finance Chairs Don Hill and Maggie Lawson on the day.
Getting there:
Nearest metro: Narodni trida, then tram 6, 22 etc to Narodni divadlo.
Alternatively, metro to Karlovo namesti (Palackeho nam. exit), then tram 17 or 21 to Jiraskovo namesti (beside Fred and Ginger building).
Your AARO Board

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 6/12/2011
Sunday, June 05, 2011
AARO - Summer Picnic - Zofin Garden Restaurant - Sunday July 10th
Please save the date of Sunday July 10th from noon for our annual summer event. We will return once more to Zofin Garden Restaurant, venue of our last two successful summer events, for their excellent all-you-can-eat-and-drink buffet.
Further details to be announced shortly. In the meantime, I'd like to inform you that, owing to price rises we will be politely requesting 100 CZK per head from paid up members. Guests are welcome, as many as you wish, for the still-reasonable cost of 500 CZK per person. We will be seated, as usual, in the bandstand pavilion which is exclusively reserved for AARO members and guests.
Looking forward to seeing you on July 10th.
Your AARO Board

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 6/05/2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
FW: World Wide Travel Alert 1 May 2011
Your AARO Board
From: Roberson, Bradly J []
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 8:19 AM
To: Prague, ACSPRG
Subject: World Wide Travel Alert 1 May 2011
The U.S. Department of State alerts U.S. citizens traveling and residing abroad to the enhanced potential for anti-American violence given recent counter-terrorism activity in Pakistan. Given the uncertainty and volatility of the current situation, U.S. citizens in areas where recent events could cause anti-American violence are strongly urged to limit their travel outside of their homes and hotels and avoid mass gatherings and demonstrations. U.S. citizens should stay current with media coverage of local events and be aware of their surroundings at all times. This Travel Alert expires August 1, 2011.
See the full message at
Visit the US Embassy Prague homepage at
Check out ACS Prague on Facebook

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 5/02/2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
AARO - Q&A with Tom Fontana, Saturday April 23rd
Please find details of a special event below. You are welcome to invite anyone who you think will benefit from what is a rare opportunity to speak with a US TV professional of this caliber.
RSVP appreciated, but don't let that stop anyone coming.
Kind regards,
Jeremy Willis
VP Events
AARO Prague
The Association of Americans Resident Overseas in association with the American Center of the US Embassy in Prague would like to announce a special event of particular interest to fans of US TV drama, students of film and TV and to writers and creatives of all backgrounds.
On Saturday 23rd April 23rd, at the American Center we are very pleased to host a Q & A with Mr. Tom Fontana, writer and creative genius behind such successful US TV shows as OZ, THE JURY, HOMICIDE: LIFE ON THE STREET, THE PHILANTHROPIST and the new period TV drama currently shooting in Prague, BORGIA.
Tom Fontana began his TV career as a writer on the popular 1980s TV series, ST. ELSEWHERE, has since received numerous awards for his work, including three Emmy Awards, three Writers Guild Awards, four Television Critics Association Awards and the 2003 Austin Film Festival Outstanding Television Writer Award. He is an extremely active and well-respected personality in the professional television industry for his work as writer, producer and showrunner, and not least for his extensive activities in philanthropy.
The Q & A will be preceded by a screening of the movie STRIP SEARCH, written by Tom Fontana, directed by Sidney Lumet and starring Glenn Close and Maggie Gyllenhaal. This is a controversial film drama that explores the changes to civil liberties resulting from the events of September 11th, 2001.
Mr. Fontana has kindly offered to take time out from the BORGIA shooting schedule and has expressed a wish to share with writers, both professional and aspiring, his extensive knowledge and experience of creating, writing, producing and showrunning world class, modern television shows.
When: Saturday April 23rd
2:30pm - Screening of STRIP SEARCH
4pm - Q & A with Tom Fontana
Where: American Center
Trziste 13
Prague 1

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 4/13/2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
AARO - 3rd Thursday - 17th March
Please join us this Thursday for our first monthly meet of the year. The venue will be Kavarna Tobruk, Lodecka 3, Prague 1, directions below. We'll meet from 6pm, Tobruk has Bernard draft beer on tap, a selection of good wines and a very enticing menu of snacks, salads, main courses and sweets for your enjoyment.
Do stop by and enjoy our shared emergence from the Prague winter months.
Your AARO Board
Tobruk is just off Petrske namesti.
Tram 5, 8, 26, 14 to Dlouha trida, then a 5 minute walk along Soukenicka, Tobruk is on your left just after Petrske nam. on the corner of Barvirska and Lodecka, red awnings.
Tram 3, 5, 14, 24, 26 to Masarykovo nadrazi, cross na Porici, go down Zlatnicka to Petrske, nam, then diagonally across the square.
Metro: Namesti Republiky:
From nam Republiky exit, go down Revolucni past Paladium, turn right on Truhlaska and follow to Petrske nam.
From Masarykovo nadrazi exit, cross na Porici, down ZLatnicka to Petrske nam.

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 3/14/2011
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
AARO - Arnost Lustig 21 December 1926 – 26 February 2011
You can find a write up about Arnost Lustig in the link below from the Prague Monitor, with details of a further memorial prayer, to take place on Saturday 5th March in the Spanish synagogue in Prague at 2pm.
Obituary, Independent:
Jeremy Willis
VP Events
AARO Prague

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 3/02/2011
AARO - **Event Date Change**
Further to my earlier request to save the date of March 12th, please amend your calendars as we have had to postpone the event to the afternoon of Saturday April 23rd.
The event will be an exclusive Q & A session with Tom Fontana, the creator and executive producer of the new Borgia TV series, currently shooting in Prague. Mr. Fontana began his successful career as a writer on the US series St. Elsewhere before going on to write and produce several successful TV shows, such as The Bedford Diaries, Homicide: Life on the Street, The Philanthropist and Oz.
The Q & A will be preceded by a screening of Mr. Fontana's TV movie Strip Search, an all-star drama looking at personal freedom and security in a post-911 world.
The event will take place during the afternoon and early evening, final details will be provided a little closer to the date.
Jeremy Willis
VP Events
AARO Prague

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 3/02/2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
AARO - Arnost Lustig 21 December 1926 – 26 February 2011
Please be informed that Czech legend Arnost Lustig passed away on Saturday morning aged 84. There will be a public memorial on Tuesday March 1st from 3pm at the New Jewish Cemetery, close to the metro stop Zelivskeho. Those who knew Arnost or who would like to pay their respects to this extraordinary individual are welcome to attend.
Jeremy Willis
VP Events
AARO Prague

AARO Prague
Media Partner:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 2/28/2011