Friday, February 26, 2010


Fwd: - Expat Party

Dear AARO Members,

FYI, all related correspondence should be sent to the address below.

AARO Prague Board

Begin forwarded message:

From: "" <>
Date: 26 February 2010 13:56:00 GMT+01:00

Hi AAROPRAGUE, invites you to the largest party in our 9 year history. 2,000 expats and friends will attend on March 19th in Prague's biggest club. We hope you will come and make it amazing!

The Plug&Play Party v1.0 @ SaSaZu
March 19th from 9pm - 5am

All details at:

On Facebook? RSVP to confirm your attendance!

Best wishes,

The Team

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Monday, February 22, 2010


Fwd: U.S. Embassy Prague American Citizen Services Newsletter February 2010

Dear AARO Members,


AARO Prague Board

-----Original Message-----
From: Prague, ACSPRG <>
To: Prague, ACSPRG <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 22, 2010 3:02 pm
Subject: U.S. Embassy Prague American Citizen Services Newsletter February 2010

U.S. Embassy Prague
American Citizen Services Newsletter

Monday, February 15, 2010


AARO 3rd Thursday - 18th February

Dear AARO Members,

Apologies for the short notice, but February 3rd Thursday takes place this week, Thursday 18th from 6pm.

Space is reserved in Restaurace Braunuv Sklep, venue of many previous enjoyable monthly meets.

For those new to the space, it is a cozy, historic cellar serving excellent wine, beer and a wide variety of tasty food, both international and traditional Czech, all at very reasonable prices. An excellent place to escape the winter chill, please stop by for a drink with us and / or a bite to eat.

Braunuv Sklep is located right across from the New Town Hall tower on Karlovo namesti, the tallest building on the square.

Upcoming events: The annual summer picnic is set for the afternoon of Saturday June 19th, to be held once more in the bandstand pavilion of Zofin Garden Restaurant after the outstanding success of last year's event. This event will be free for all paid-up Members. Further details to be announced, please save the date!

We are working on a couple of movie evenings, details to be announced soon.

Your AARO Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

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