Saturday, May 30, 2009


AARO - Summer Picnic - CORRECTION - Sunday June 14th

Dear AARO Members,
Please note a correction to the previous announcement - members may invite as many guests as they like but we are obliged to politely request a per-head contribution of 450 CZK.
Apologies for any confusion, hope it does not deter anyone from raising a healthy crowd for the event!


Dear AARO Members,
This year's AARO Summer Picnic will take place on Sunday 14th June from 12 noon.
The venue will be the Garden Restaurant of Zofin Palace, on Slovansky Island just down from the National Theater on Masarykovo Nabrezi, Prague 1.
The event features an all-you-can-eat buffet (to include cold platters, salads, frilled meats and fish, desserts) from 12:30 onwards, unlimited wine, beer and soft drinks.
We will be seated in the elegant bandstand pavilion with a fine view of the park and the river, also meaning we will be under cover if the weather should not be cooperative. Children are most welcome and there is an excellent playground adjacent to the pavilion, so you can keep an eye on them while you sip your drink and relax.
Officially the event last until 4pm, but there's no need to leave then if you're having a good time.
There is also a pedal and rowing boat rental service a few steps from the pavilion, should you fancy a little time on the water.
There is no charge for the event to paid-up AARO Members. Additionally, we are able to offer Members to invite guests, there will be no charge for guests of paid-up Members.
Please RSVP no later than Friday June 5th, to this e-mail address. Please confirm also the number and names of guest you plan to invite.

Jeremy Willis
Vice-President, Events
AARO Prague

Please Note: The response to the vote on the date was quite low, we eventually chose the Sunday because of availability of the venue, so apologies to those of you who expressed a preference for the Saturday. On behalf of the Board, I very much hope you will all be able to come and enjoy what looks like being a high-quality afternoon.

AARO Prague

Media Partner:


AARO - Summer Picnic - Sunday June 14th

Dear AARO Members,
This year's AARO Summer Picnic will take place on Sunday 14th June from 12 noon.
The venue will be the Garden Restaurant of Zofin Palace, on Slovansky Island just down from the National Theater on Masarykovo Nabrezi, Prague 1.
The event features an all-you-can-eat buffet (to include cold platters, salads, frilled meats and fish, desserts) from 12:30 onwards, unlimited wine, beer and soft drinks.
We will be seated in the elegant bandstand pavilion with a fine view of the park and the river, also meaning we will be under cover if the weather should not be cooperative. Children are most welcome and there is an excellent playground adjacent to the pavilion, so you can keep an eye on them while you sip your drink and relax.
Officially the event last until 4pm, but there's no need to leave then if you're having a good time.
There is also a pedal and rowing boat rental service a few steps from the pavilion, should you fancy a little time on the water.
There is no charge for the event to paid-up AARO Members. Additionally, we are able to offer Members to invite guests, there will be no charge for guests of paid-up Members.
Please RSVP no later than Friday June 5th, to this e-mail address. Please confirm also the number and names of guest you plan to invite.

Jeremy Willis
Vice-President, Events
AARO Prague

Please Note: The response to the vote on the date was quite low, we eventually chose the Sunday because of availability of the venue, so apologies to those of you who expressed a preference for the Saturday. On behalf of the Board, I very much hope you will all be able to come and enjoy what looks like being a high-quality afternoon.

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Sunday, May 24, 2009


AARO - May 2009 Newsletter

Dear AARO Members,
Please find attached the May AARO Newsletter.
Your AARO Prague Board

Friday, May 22, 2009


AARO Summer Picnic - Please Save the Date

Dear AARO Members,
Fo this year's Summer Picnic, one of the most popular AARO events of the year, we invite members to vote for whether the Picnic we will be held on Saturday June 13th, or Sunday June 14th. Please respond via e-mail with your preference. We will publish the results of the vote on a percentage basis and the date will be chosen according to the principles of Democracy. Please note, voting closes at 9 am on this coming Monday, May 25th and that all Members are warmly encouraged to vote.
The venue is TBC, but we are planning to hold the Picnic in a central Prague location where we can be outside and/or inside and appropriately catered for. Suggestions are welcomee.
Your AARO Prague Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


American Center - May 28: Art or Political Discussion ? - see enclosure

From: Prague, American Center []
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:24 PM
Subject: May 28: Art or Political Discussion ? - see enclosure
Importance: High


§ Thursday, May 28, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

WHAT:      Art of American Painter Philip  Guston : discussion and film screening

Art Historian Jessica Stewart will present and discuss the art and life of American painter Philip Guston (1913–1980), a member of the highly influential New York School of painting in the 1950s (which included Willem de Kooning and his childhood friend Jackson Pollock).  Later, deeply influenced by comic books and politics, Guston controversially switched back to more representational works of art, for example returning to his earlier images of Ku Klux Klan members. 

The documentary film "Philip Guston:  A Life Lived" will be shown after the discussion.

 The discussion and the film will be in English.

The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. is currently showing an exhibition of Philip Guston. More on

§    Čtvrtek  28. května  2009

KDE:  Americké centrum,  Tržiště 13,  Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:  17:00-19:00

CO:   Diskuse a film o díle amerického malíře Philipa Gustona

Historička umění Jessica Stewartová bude hovořit o životě a díle amerického malíře Philipa Gustona (1913–1980), který v padesátých letech patřil k prestižní  New York School of Painting (jejími členy byli také malíři Willem de Kooning  a jeho přítel z dětství Jackson Pollock).   V pozdějším období, hluboce ovlivněn komiksovým uměním a politikou, Guston se vrátil s reprezentativnějším – a kontroverznějším – uměleckým formám (například ke svým starším obrazům členů Ku-Klux-Klanu). 

V druhé části programu bude uveden dokumentární  film "Philip Guston:  A Life Lived".

Úvodní prezentace I film budou v angličtině.


V Národní galeriii ve Washingtonu právě probíhá výstava Philipa Gustona, více na

Sunday, May 17, 2009


AARO - May 3rd Thursday - 21st May - Brasserie M, 6pm

Dear AARO Members,
May 3rd Thursday should be the first this year where we can sit outside! Space is booked from 6 pm this coming Thursday, 21st May, at Brasserie M, Vladislavova 17, Prague 1. Please come along for a drink and perhaps a bite to eat. Brasserie M have lowered their menu prices and halved the cost of their excellent wine list, so there is excellent quality available for you at a very reasonable price.
Hope to see you then.
AARO Prague Board

from the rear exit of both Tesco and Narodni Trida metro, Vladislavova begins at the opposite corner of the square, diagonally across. Brasserie M is a few steps up on the right hand side. You can also enter via the Divadlo Ypsilon passage from Spalena, which takes you straight to the courtyard where we'll be sitting, weather permitting.

Metro - Narodni Trida
Trams - 6, 9, 18, 22 to Narodni Trida, or 3, 9, 14, 24 to Lazarska (walk down Vladislavova, Brasserie M is on the left at the far end of the street).

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


AARO - American Center - Wild Wild West Film Series

Dear AARO Members,
FYI, if you haven't seen the Wild Bunch, or even if you have, here's a chance to take it in.
AARO Prague Board

From: Hrncirova, Daniela []
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 2:14 PM
Subject: Wild Wild West Film Series


§       Tuesday, May 19, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     6 p.m.

WHAT:     Wild Wild West Film Series   film screening

Sam Peckinpah's violent masterpiece "The Wild Bunch," starring William Holden, Ernest Borgnine and Robert Ryan.  An aging group of outlaws look for one last big score as the "traditional" American West is disappearing around them. "The Wild Bunch" was nominated for an Academy Award for best screenplay and best musical score.

The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles.

More information at

§       Úterý, 19. května, 2009

KDE:    Americké centrum, Tržiště 13,  Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:            18,00 hod.

CO:             Divoký Západ ve filmu    filmové promítání

Mistrovské dílo Sama Peckinpaha v hlavních rolích s Williamem Holdenem, Ernestem Borgninem and Robertem Ryanem. Stárnoucí tlupa vyvrhelů ve filmu hledá svou poslení velkou trefu, zatímco kolem nich mizí starý Divoký západ. „The Wild Bunch" byl nominován na Oskara za nejlepší scénář a nejlepší hudbu. 


The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles.

Více informací na

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Monday, May 11, 2009


AARO - American Center - US Tap Dance History

Dear AARO Members,

FYI, please respond direct to the e-mail address given below.

From: Hrncirova, Daniela []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 4:36 PM
Subject: US Tap Dance History


§       Thursday, May 14, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     6 p.m.

WHAT:     US Tap Dance History  lecture/seminar

Robert L. Reed lecture with live performance and videos about US Tap Dance History and his famous father Leonard Reed – tap dance chorus Shim Sham Shimmy founder. On the occasion of the International Tap Dance Day in cooperation with ZIG-ZAG Tap & Swing  Dance Studio to . 

 The program will be held in English.

More info at

§       Čtvrtek, 14. května , 2009

KDE:    Americké centrum, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:    18,00 hod.

CO:      Historie stepu v USA  přednáška/seminář

Přednáška Roberta L. Reeda u příležitosti Mezinárodního dne stepu ve spolupráci s tanečním studiem ZIG-ZAG tap & swing o historii amerického stepu a  jeho světoznámém otci Leonardu Reedovi.

 Program bude uveden anglickém jazyce.

Více informací na

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Friday, May 01, 2009


AARO - Wilson monument to be restored to Prague

Dear AARO Members,
FYI. Happy May Day!
AARO Prague Board

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