Tuesday, September 29, 2009


AARO - Special Event - View From Iraq, Ambassador Cameron Munter - October 19th

Dear AARO Members,

AARO Prague is privileged to host a very special event. Our guest
speaker will be Ambassador Cameron Munter, Political Military
Minister Counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

When: Monday 19th October, from 6pm
Where:  American Center, Trziste 13, Prague 1

Until summer 2009, Ambassador Munter was U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, notably during the attacks on the US Embassy in Belgrade 2008, where his prompt actions were praised in safeguarding the wellbeing of US Citizens. In 2006 he completed a six month posting in Mosul, where he headed the U.S. government's first Provincial Reconstruction Team in Iraq.
Munter has also served in Prague, Warsaw, Bonn, as well as in Washington.
He holds a Bachelor's Degree from Cornell, a Master's and a Doctorate
in History from Johns Hopkins. He has been an AARO Member since 2005.
In his current posting, he directs strategic planning and American
civil-military coordination during the military drawdown in Iraq.

The main part of the event will be followed by a Q & A.

Please note that this event is free of charge, and open to Members' guests, but rsvp must be received in order to secure places. The event is held at the American Center by kind of permission of Mr. David Gainer, Cultural Attaché to the US Embassy, Prague.

Please rsvp to: aaroprague@pragmatica.cz 
no later than Monday 12th October, thank you.

AARO Prague Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:


American Center Event - Svět hudebních ikon/The World of Pop Icons

Dear AARO Members,
FYI - please note address for rsvp below.

From: Hrncirova, Daniela [mailto:HrncirovaD@state.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:54 PM
Subject: Svět hudebních ikon/The World of Pop Icons




Dear AARO Members,
FYI - please note address for rsvp below.


From: Hrncirova, Daniela [mailto:HrncirovaD@state.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:10 PM


§    Monday, October 5, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     6 p.m.


Mexico is one of the most significant transit countries for drug production in North America. Data shows that 90% of cocaine flows into the US through the Mexican border. On the other hand, 90% of the weapons used by Mexican drug cartels originate from the United States. The recent escalation of violence in the region has led both administrations to look for new solutions in cross-border cooperation.         
 The panel discussion will be held in English.                        

§    Pondělí, 5. října, 2009

KDE:     Americké centrum, Tržiště 13,  Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:     18.00 hod.


Mexiko, díky své strategické poloze, je jednou z nejvýznamnějších tranzitních zemí pro přepravu drog z celé Jižní Ameriky do USA. Podle údajů amerického Ministerstva zahraničních věcí prochází až 90% kokainu do USA právě přes mexickou hranici. Současně je, podle jiných oficiálních zdrojů, až 90 % zbraní používaných v bojích mezi mexickými drogovými kartely ze Spojených států. Eskalace násilí v regionu přivedla nejvyšší představitele USA a Mexika k jednacímu stolu, aby vypracovali účinnou strategii příhraniční spolupráce.
 Panelová diskuse bude vedena pouze v anglickém jazyce.                          

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


NYU in Prague Event - The Story of 9/11 and Ground Zero

Dear AARO Members,
FYI - please note address for rsvp below.

From: Hrncirova, Daniela [mailto:HrncirovaD@state.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:51 AM
Subject: The Story of 9/11 and Ground Zero


New York University's Prague Institute for Democracy, Economy, and Culture


invites you to a guest lecture


"The Story of  9/11 and Ground Zero"




architect Jiří Boudník


Jiří Boudník immigrated to the U.S. from the Czech Republic 20 years ago. He studied arts and architecture at the renowned

Cooper Union in New York. On September 11, 2001 he was working as a project engineer at a construction site near

the Brooklyn Bridge when the hijacked planes smashed into the nearby World Trade Center.

At that moment he decided to run to warn the rescuers of possible buildings collapse. He was among the first rescuers on the site.

In the following weeks he created 3D models of Ground Zero that were used for searching for survivors and removing debris.

He was part of the expert team hired by property owner Larry Silverstein, studying structural causes of the collapse.


Jiří Boudník (b. 1970) will speak about his experiences and answer your questions during a subsequent discussion.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

NYU in Prague, Male námesti 11 (1st floor), Prague 1


The event will be held in English.

Please RSVP if you are planning to attend: pidec.nyu@gmail.com




AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


AARO - Save the Date - 19th October - View from Iraq

Dear AARO Members,
Please save the date of Monday 19th October from 6pm for a very special AARO event.
We are delighted to host a private talk by Cameron Munter, until recently US Ambassador to Serbia and former DCM to the US Embassy in Prague. He is now serving the US Government in Iraq where he is overseeing US troop withdrawal. The talk will be followed by a Q &A.
More details will be provided shortly, but please mark your diaries.
Your AARO Prague Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Fwd: American Embassy in Prague Newsletter August-September 2009

Dear Members,
AARO Prague Board

-----Original Message-----
From: Prague, ACSPRG <AcsPrg@state.gov>
Sent: Tue, Sep 15, 2009 2:47 pm
Subject: American Embassy in Prague Newsletter August-September 2009


August-September 2009 

Dear American Citizens:

Message from the New Consul General.  My three-year tour in the Czech Republic 
began this August, and I am excited to be out in the field once again after 
spending several years in Washington.  I am already using every opportunity to 
get to know this beautiful country, and I look forward to crossing paths with 
many of you both inside and outside the Embassy.  American embassies around the 
world exist first and foremost to assist American citizens traveling and 
residing abroad, and I hope that during my tenure you will feel that this is 
your Embassy.  I have already been impressed by the professionalism of the 
Embassy's local staff and I know they, and our American officers, will continue 
to make your experiences at the Embassy pleasant ones.  Best wishes for an 
enjoyable last few weeks of warm weather!

American Citizen Services Days in Brno and Plzen.  We are taking our services on 
the road to better serve you!  During the fall, the Consular Section will hold 
one American Citizen Services (ACS) day per month, alternating locations between 
Brno and Plzen.  During ACS days, the Embassy team will provide services 
normally available at the Embassy, such as passport renewals, notarial services, 
and reports of birth abroad.  If there is sufficient demand for these services, 
we will be able to make ACS days outside the Embassy a permanent fixture of our 
consular operations.  ACS days are tentatively scheduled for the last Tuesday of 
each month during mornings hours, subject to U.S. and local holidays.  Please 
mark your calendars for the mornings of September 29th in Brno and October 27th 
in Plzen if you require consular services such as passport renewals, notarials, 
and reports of birth abroad.  If you plan to request citizen services in Brno or 
Plzen, please help us better gauge demand by emailing the American Citizen 
Services unit <mailto:ACSPRG@state.gov> .  The details for our American Citizen 
Services days are as follows:

ACS Day in Brno:  September 29th from 10:30 AM-1:00 PM at the International 
School of Brno located at Cejkovická 10, Brno-Vinohrady 628 00.

ACS Day in Plzen:  October 27th from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM at the American Center 
located at Dominikánská 9, Plzeň 301 12.


Visit of Regional Federal Benefits Unit.  Experts from our Regional Federal 
Benefits Unit (RFBU) will be available to discuss individual cases and answer 
questions on Social Security and other federal benefits at the American Embassy 
in Prague October 14-16 from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.  Please email the American 
Citizen Services unit <mailto:ACSPRG@state.gov>  with any questions about the 
visit or to schedule an appointment (walk-ins are permitted but those with 
appointments will be seen first).  You may also e-mail specific questions that 
we will pass to our RFBU colleagues in advance so they will be better prepared 
to respond to your needs.  

Social Security Totalization Q&A Session.  There will be a town hall-style 
meeting on the U.S.-Czech Social Security Totalization Agreement on October 14 
at 3:30 pm in the American Center, located at Tržiště 13 in Prague 1, just down 
the road from the Embassy.  Please spread the word, and come with your questions 
about Social Security and the Totalization Agreement.  Please visit our website 
for more information about the Totalization Agreement <http://prague.usembassy.gov/acs_federal.html

Updated Contact Information.  We are continuing to update our Newsletter mailing 
list. Please help us by filling out the form below and returning it to us.  If 
you have recently registered with the Embassy (including during the June Open 
House), it is not necessary to reregister using the form below unless you wish 
to provide us with any additional information.  If you are not sure, please 
complete the form.  Required fields are marked with an asterisk.  Please email 
your completed form to us at ACSPRG@state.gov

NAME*: ___________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS*:__________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER:___________________________________________________________
ADDRESS (IN CZECH REPUBLIC)*: ____________________________________________
DURATION OF STAY IN CZECH REPUBLIC:_____________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH*:___________________________________________________________
U.S. PASSPORT NUMBER*: ___________________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT:____________________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER:____________________________________

Na shledanou!
David Beam
Consul General
Embassy of the United States

Sunday, September 13, 2009


AARO - September 3rd Thursday **PS**

If there is sufficient interest, I will book the venue from 6pm on a pay bar basis, so on this occasion please do let me know asap if you plan to stop by Thursday but not stay for the movie, thanks.

Dear Members,
Please note that this month's 3rd Thursday falls on the same day as the Ecstasy screening - 17th September.
For this reason, we will not be holding a separate event. If you can't make the movie itself, please feel free to come and join us for a drink from 7pm to 8pm in the bar of Kino Atlas before the movie.

Your AARO Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:


AARO - September 3rd Thursday

Dear Members,
Please note that this month's 3rd Thursday falls on the same day as the Ecstasy screening - 17th September.
For this reason, we will not be holding a separate event. If you can't make the movie itself, please feel free to come and join us for a drink from 7pm to 8pm in the bar of Kino Atlas before the movie.

Your AARO Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:


American Center - September Schedule

Dear Members,
FYI. Please rsvp to the address below.

From: Hrncirova, Daniela [mailto:HrncirovaD@state.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 2:58 PM
Subject: CALENDAR for the MONTH AHEAD: September 1 - 30, 2009


CALENDAR for the MONTH AHEAD: September 1 - 30, 2009

§       Abraham Lincoln Poster Show exhibition in the American Center Foyer

§       Normal Childhood exhibition in the American Center Main rooms

An exhibition of paintings by young Czech authors titled "Normal Childhood" is on display at the American Center until the second half of September. The project, which aims to support children in difficult social environments, is organized by the Brno-based NGO Ratolest.

§       Space season overview exhibition in the American Center Library

§       Tuesday, September 8, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13, Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     5 p.m.

WHAT:     Visit to the American Zoo     discussion

Inspired by American Zoos, this event will include presentations from RNDr. Evžen Kůs from the Prague Zoo, who will discuss "American Zoos through Czech Eyes," as well as a slide show by his colleague Zbyněk Šíša. Czech architect Ing.arch. Pavel Ullmann, a former Fulbright scholar, will share his experiences at the Bronx ZOO and what it is like to design a cockroach exhibition in his lecture focused on Zoo Architecture.    

The event will be held in Czech.


§    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13, Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     6 p.m.

WHAT:     New York Classics: Taxi Driver        film screening

A chilling story of Travis Bickle, a Vietnam veteran of 26, a loner in the mean streets of New York City, who is slipping slowly into isolation and violent misanthropy. In solving his insomnia by driving a yellow cab on the night shift, he grows increasingly disgusted by the low-lifes that hang out at night. His touching attempts to woo Betsy, a Senator's campaign worker, turn sour when he takes her to a porn movie on their first date. He even fails in his attempt to persuade child prostitute Iris to desert her pimp and return to her parents and school. Driven to the edge by powerlessness, he buys four handguns and sets out to assassinate the Senator, heading for the infamy of a 'lone crazed gunman'.

 The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles.

§    Tuesday, September 29, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     6 p.m.

WHAT:     New York Classics: Midnight Cowboy    film screening

Texas greenhorn Joe Buck (Jon Voight) arrives in New York for the first time. Preening himself as a real 'hustler', he finds that he is the one getting 'hustled' in the apathetic big city. After being hustled himself, Joe eventually teams up with an outcast named Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman). The initial 'country cousin meets city cousin' relationship deepens. In their efforts to bilk a hostile world rebuffing them at every turn, this unlikely pair progress from partners in shady business to comrades.

 The movie will be screened in English with English subtitles.

 Admission to all events is free of charge.

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

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