Thursday, December 24, 2009


AARO - Holiday Greetings

Wishing AARO Members and their families warmest greetings of the season; health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year.

Sincere thanks to all of you for your support of the group during 2009, we very much hope you will continue your membership through 2010 and look forward to being of service to you in the coming year.

Please find below the most recent Newsletter from AARO Paris - of particular interest is the reduction in health coverage rates for many categories under the AARO health insurance program.

If you do not receive these Newsletters direct to your e-mail account, please notify the Board at

Your AARO Prague Board

Happy Holidays from AARO

In this last issue of News and Views for 2009, the board of the Association of 
Americans Resident Overseas would like to extend our very best wishes for the 
holiday season and for the New Year to our members with a thank you to all 
who have given so generously of their time and energy.

AARO changes Insurer

AARO's Insurance Committee is pleased to announce that it has awarded 
its health care plans to Swiss Life after conducting a competitive bid process 
earlier this year. The result of the competition is a reduction of premiums in 
2010 from 2 to 13% compared with those practiced by AXA in 2009, depending 
on the Member's age and plan chosen, except for two limited categories where 
premiums remain the same as last year's. The change will in no way affect 
Members' relationship with European Benefits/Mobilité Saint Honoré, which 
is their interface with the plans, and all other terms of their plans remain the same.

Premium notices for the first quarter of 2010 will be delayed as a result of the change. 
Swiss Life was the original insurer of AARO's plans when they were first introduced 
and AARO has a history of good relations with the company.

European Benefits and its employees are available to answer any questions you 
have regarding this announcement.

AARO Monthly Meetup

Join the Association of Americans Resident Overseas for lunch and a lively
discussion of political issues affecting overseas Americans - from taxes to
voting to citizenship to whatever else is on your mind.

Date: Monday, January 11
Time: 12h30
Place: Pizza Pino, 57 boulevard du Montparnasse, 75006 Paris
Metro: Montparnasse-Bienvenue

AARO Investment Discussion Group


AARO member, Thomas Grille, wonders if there are AARO members who 
would like to meet to share thoughts on the present economic situation and 
to discuss investment ideas. In order to test your interest, AARO has reserved 
space at the Mona Bismarck on January 26, at 18h30.  

The plan, at least for the moment, is not to set up an investment club (where 
members actually invest together) but to give people a place to compare notes 
and share information. If you plan to attend, please respond to

If you are interested but can't attend, send in your name and you will be put 
on the group's list. 

Date: Tuesday, January 26
Time: 18h30
Place: Mona Bismarck Foundation, 34, avenue de New York, 75116 Paris

AARO Goes to Brussels

Overview of US social security, Medicare, citizenship, voting rights and 
taxation for overseas Americans and green card holders

Date: Thursday, February 11
Place: BMW flagship Store, 23-24 bd de Waterloo

Details to follow in early January.

WICE World Watch

WICE World Watch presents a panel of business and financial experts who 
take a broad view of the post-crisis economy.

Date: Tuesday, January 26
Time: 19h
Place: American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, Paris 7
Cost: Free

Seeking Employment

D. Michael McNeilly:
American University of Paris May 2009 graduate BA in International Economics
Educated Ecole Active Bilingue Paris (Int. Baccalaureate 2004)
and USA: Internships in Advertising and Re-insurance completed
Dual Nationality U.S. & U.K; Bilingual English/French.

Career starting employment opportunities sought in finance, marketing,
business development, sales.
Email: for CV (English and French available)

Skilled Cabinet Makers

Specializing in furniture (furniture repairs), bibliotheques, custom kitchens
& built-ins, staircases, custom doors & windows, decorative wine cellars,
decorative office furniture. Complete apartment renovation.

Free estimates. Contact Tim 06 80 83 31 19 or

TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send an email to the AARO office at
with REMOVE FROM AARO LIST in the subject line.

Please notify the office at of any changes in your email address.

Click here for advertising rates:

Visit the AARO website for updates:

This list for AARO use only. All rights reserved. AARO - Copyright 2009

AARO - Association of Americans Resident Overseas
34 avenue de New York, 75116 Paris France
Tel: 33 (0) 1 47 20 24 15
Fax: 33 (0) 1 47 20 24 16


AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Saturday, December 19, 2009


AARO - Variety Obituary, Norbert Auerbach

Dear AARO Members and friends,

Please take a moment to look at the following link to the obituary in yesterday's Variety, which gives a good summary of Norbert Auerbach's life and achievements.
AARO Prague Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:


US Embassy Citizens Services Newsletter

Dear AARO Members and friends,

Your AARO Prague Board

From: Prague, ACSPRG []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 1:12 PM
Subject: U.S. Embassy Prague American Citizen Services Newsletter
U.S. Embassy Prague
American Citizen Services Newsletter


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


AARO - Norbert Auerbach

Dear AARO Members and friends,

We are deeply saddened to inform you that Mr. Norbert Auerbach, one of the founder members of AARO Prague, passed away on Saturday, December 12th.

He will be greatly missed by all of us. I'm sure that his spirit will
live on through his many friends and we will be retelling his stories
for many years to come.

May his soul rest forever in peace.

AARO Board of Directors

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Thursday, December 10, 2009


AARO - December 3rd Thursday

Dear AARO Members and friends,

For what will be our final event of 2009, space is reserved upstairs at Resto Cafe Patio (yes, the Le Patio of old, unchanged) on Narodni, between Tesco and Cafe Louvre.

This is an event open to all, so please bring friends or just come along if you'd like to find out more about the group, have a drink, a bite, a chat or all of the above. Please note 3rd Thursday is a pay-your-own event, thank you.

When: From 6pm, Thursday 17th December

Where: Resto Cafe Patio, Narodni 22, Prague 1 (upstairs)


Metro: Narodni Trida 

Tram: 22, 9, 6, 18, etc Narodni Trida

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Friday, December 04, 2009


Re: American Center Events

Dear AARO Members,

OK, some of those events already happened. But you have to agree, the American Center puts on an impressive and consistent number of events. If you would rather receive notices direct, I suggest you contact Daniela Hrnicirova ( and ask to be put on the direct mailing list. We will still forward notices as and when the events come to our attention.

Your AARO Prague Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:


FYI - American Center Event: American Empire?

Dear AARO Members and Friends,

This is a chance to have your say.

AARO Prague Board


From: Hrncirova, Daniela []
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 2:08 PM


§       Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13, Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     6 p.m.

WHAT:     AMERICAN EMPIRE ?     discussion

Lecture by Bradley A. Thayer, a tenured professor in the Department of Political Science, Baylor University. Professor Thayer will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the American empire, welcomes alternative viewpoints and will address the opinions that dissenters present with his own counter-arguments.

The discussion will be held in English.
See invitation at

§       Úterý 1. prosince 2009

KDE:    Americké centrum, Tržiště 13, Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:            18.00 hod.  

CO:             JE AMERIKA IMPÉRIUM?    diskuse  

Přednáška Bradley A. Thayera, profesora politologie z Baylorské university. Chová se Amerika jako impérium? Tuto otázku se Bradley A. Thayer pokusí zodpovědět ve své přednášce v Americkém centru. 

Po zhroucení Sovětského Svazu se upevnilo výsadní postavení Spojených států jako jediné skutečné velmoci na světové scéně.  Americký vojenský, diplomatický a ekonomický vliv je přítomen na celém světě. Nová administrativa prezidenta Baracka Obamy se zavázala udržovat a rozšiřovat čelní postavení Spojených států i nadále. Jaké jsou však výhody amerického prvenství pro svět a Spojené státy samotné? A naopak, jaká je cena tohoto postavení a nedostatky, které s sebou přináší? Profesor Bradley Thayer očekává živou diskusi na toto téma, představí názory svých oponentů a uvítá alternativní pohled.

Diskuse bude uvedena v anglickém jazyce.

Admission to all events is free of charge. Please check the details and look for changes at

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

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