Tuesday, November 21, 2006
AARO Christmas Reception - December 11th - Reminder
Dear AARO Members,
This Friday 24th November is the cutoff for rsvps to the AARO
Christmas Reception at the US Ambassador's Residence on Dec 11th.
Those of you who have not rsvp'd and would like to attend, please do
so by Friday.
Please note, we are currently offering that any new member who joins
AARO and pays dues for 2007 before the end of the year is welcome to
attend the Christmas Reception. So, if you have friends or colleagues
interested in joining AARO, please encourage them to get in touch
without delay, take advantage of this offer and join us on the 11th
for what promises to be a very pleasant holiday gathering.
We regret that the event is otherwise not open to guests.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
e-mail: jeremy@pragmatica.cz
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations:
www.praguemonitor.com - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language
electronic newspaper.
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 11/21/2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
AARO 3rd Thursday - 16th November
This is rather short notice, I know, but those of you who would like to come to what may be the last AARO 3rd Thursday of the year, a table is reserved at
U Svaty Ignace (formerly Svet), Jecna 5, Prague 2 and we will convene from 6pm tomorrow evening.
If you don't have plans, why not stop by and have a drink and a chat, or try something from the new menu (international / Czech - good prices).
The interior has had a makeover and we are keen to continue our monthly informal gatherings under the venue's new owners.
As usual, no mandatory rsvp but I'd appreciate it if those who plan to come could let me know.
Turning up on impulse is also encouraged!
Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations:
www.praguemonitor.com - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 11/15/2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
AARO Christmas Reception - December 11th - US Ambassador's Residence

AARO Members are cordially invited to attend a formal reception to
celebrate the holiday season,
to be held at the Residence of the US Ambassador to Prague by kind
permission of
Ambassador Richard Graber and his wife Alexandria Graber.
Refreshments will be served.
Monday 11th December
6pm to 8pm
Dr. Zikmunda Wintra 3, Praha 6
AARO Board of Directors
RSVPs no later than Friday 24th November please, to:
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 11/08/2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
AARO - Tour of Radio Free Europe - Wed Nov. 8th
It's not too late to sign up for the tour of Radio Free Europe next Wednesday at 9:30 am. We should be finished by 11am at the latest.
Anyone who has specific questions regarding the operation of RFE are welcome to submit them in advance.
We will meet outside the main entrance on the Muzeum side at 9:20. Please bring photo ID with you security purposes.
If you haven't done so already, please let me know asap if you'd still like to attend.
Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations:
www.praguemonitor.com - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.
# posted by Association of Americans Resident Overseas - CZ @ 11/01/2006