Thursday, December 20, 2007


AARO - Thomas Rose Talk - December 27th 2007

Dear AARO Members,
As you probably noticed, December 3rd thursday was cancelled due to
lack of interest, also interpretable as "too much else going on",
which, considering the time of year, is understandable.
The Thomas Rose talk will go ahead, however, albeit with a change of
venue. The event will take place in the salonek of Braunuv Sklep,
Karlovo namesti 24 (by the base of the novomestke radnice tower in
the south east corner), from 17:30. This will not be a long event,
say allow one hour, but those who wish to stay and have dinner
afterwards are encouraged to do so. Please let me know and I will
make sure enough table space is reserved. Those who have not already
rsvp'd for this event, it's not too late - Mr. Rose will speak of
matters pertinent to Expatriate Americans, not least the special
health insurance available to AARO Members via the insurer AXA, for
which Mr. Rose is responsible in our, shall we say "mother group",
AARO Paris.
At the very least, this event may counterpoint the usual
preoccupations of the season and there's no reason why it shouldn't
be appropriately enjoyable.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair

Sunday, December 16, 2007


AARO - Thomas Rose Talk - December 27th 2007

Thursday December 27th, 5:30pm
American Center, Trziste 13, Prague 1 (next to the US Embassy)

AARO Prague Members have the opportunity to meet Mr. Thomas Rose,
former President of AARO Paris, current Board Member in charge of the
Social Security and Medicare Committee and responsible for AARO's
medical insurance plans. Mr. Rose is a retired attorney, having
served in private practice with Donovan Leisure Newton & Irvine of
New York and Paris and as Deputy Gen. Counsel of Schlumberger Ltd in

Mr. Rose will give a short address, followed by a Q & A. The event
has been scheduled in order that Members who have plans for the
evening can still attend - we don't expect the event to last much
more than an hour.

Please rsvp to this address as soon as possible, in order that simple
refreshments and appropriate seating can be organized.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


AARO FW: American Center - Simon J. Ortiz

Simon J. Ortiz: On the wings of words 

Simon Ortiz, one of the most respected and widely read Native American poets, will read from his poems and answer questions from the audience both about his literary work and his role in the struggle to preserve and continue traditional forms and themes in Native American culture.

The program will be in English.

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 17:00-18:30
American Center, Tržiště 13, Prague 1,  1st floor (approx. 50 m below U.S. Embassy)

Please confirm your attendance at (or tel. 257 022 019)


Simon J. Ortiz: Na křídlech slov

Simon Ortiz, jeden z nejvýznamnějších a nejčtenějších amerických indiánských básníků bude číst ze svých děl a diskutovat nejen o své literární práci, ale také o své roli v boji za uchování a pokračování tradičních forem a témat v americké indiánské kultuře.

Přednáška a čtení bude v angličtině.

Čtvrtek, 13. prosince 17:00 -18:30
Americké centrum, Tržiště 13, Praha 1,  1. patro

Prosím potvrďte svou účast na (nebo tel. 257 022 019)

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