Friday, July 24, 2009


FYI - US Taxation, unreported income

Dear AARO Members,
Please take a moment to read the information in the following links, provided by a very reputable CPA in New York.
Please note the contents of these links do not represent official AARO views, they are provided for information purposes only and that AARO cannot be held accountable under any circumstances for the validity or accuracy thereof.
You are strongly advised to consult your own choice of expert to verify the views expressed herein.
Your AARO Prague Board

US Taxation - Unreported Income September 23, 2009 Deadline


The IRS are getting serious about American taxpayers having unreported foreign income /  bank accounts, this includes foreign companies in the USA who have foreign bank accounts or similar accounts abroad. See the following links:







You may wish to make sure that your friends and colleagues are aware of the above.


Angus McDowell



McDowell CPA PC
410 Park Avenue, Suite 1530
New York, NY 10022-9441, USA


e-mail: - Website:


Telephone +1 212 949 1966 Fax +1 212 949 1494
US cell phone:   +1 646 717 1522 - Skype name angusmcdowell
From DK (+45) 65 74 00 52 GMT - 3pm to 8 pm - From UK (+44) 0203 239 8779  GMT - 3pm to 8 pm


This e-mail is strictly confidential and for the sole information of the person for whom it was intended. No information contained herein shall be taken as a professional opinion. In this e-mail or any attachments thereto any tax advice in the writings are not intended, and cannot be used by you, to avoid any penalties the Service (or other tax authorities) may impose as a result of taking any position in this writing we conclude is more likely than not to be resolved in your favor.

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


AARO - Board of Directors

Dear AARO Members,
Please be informed that the following Members have volunteered to serve on the Board of AARO Prague and been approved as of the meeting of the Board of Directors on July 21st 2009:

Maggie Lawson - Vice-President and Co-Treasurer
Don Hill - Vice-President and Co-Treasurer
Jennie Zeiner - Vice-President and Co-Chair Events

Your AARO Prague Board

AARO Prague

Media Partner:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


American Center Event - Tenkrat na Mesic

Dear AARO Members,
FYI. Please note the program will be in Czech.
AARO Prague Board

From: Hrncirova, Daniela []
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 1:28 PM
Subject: TOMORROW ! Apollo 11: Tenkrát na Měsíci - Tip měsíce


§     Tip měsíce                                                     

KDE:   Americké centrum, Tržiště 13,  Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:    Čtvrtek, 16. července, 17.30 hod.

CO:    Apollo 11: Tenkrát na Měsíci  multimediální program

21. července 1969, vstoupila lidská noha poprvé na Měsíc. V den 40. výročí startu mise Apollo 11 se s expertem na astronautiku Ing. Tomášem Přibylem vrátíme nejen k prvním krokům člověka po Měsíci, ale také k celému programu Apollo.  Po přednášce bude následovat diskuse u kulatého stolu s předními českými odborníky a publicisty, kteří zprostředkovávali informace o letu na Měsíc českému publiku. Americké centrum dále nabízí speciální výstavu s dokumenty z Apolla 11 a autogramy astronautů a dále možnost shlédnout dokumentární filmy k 50.výročí vzniku NASA.
Program bude uveden v českém jazyce.

Více informací na   


§     Tip of the Month                                                     

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:    Thursday, July 16, 5.30 p.m.

WHAT:    Apollo 11: Once upon a time on the Moon   multimedia program

On July 21 1969, man stepped on the Moon. Astronaut expert Tomáš Přibyl will discuss the 40th anniversary of this event as well as the entire Apollo project. The lecture will be followed by a round table with leading Czech experts and journalists who brought the news about the mission to the Moon to the Czech public.  Furthermore the American Center will offer a special exhibition and new NASA video documentaries.
The program will be held in Czech.


Jeremy Willis
Vice-President, Events
AARO Prague
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77

Media Partner:

Friday, July 10, 2009


AARO - 3rd Thursday - July 16th

Dear AARO Members,
3rd Thursday resumes this month after a break in June. Those of you who came and enjoyed the Summer Picnic will be glad to know that we are returning to Žofín Garden Restaurant for July 3rd Thursday. Those of you not familiar with this perennial Prague favorite will be pleasantly surprised at the combination of the unique central location on Slovansky Island, just across from the National Theater; the beautiful surroundings and views of the Vltava; the impeccable service and quality of the food and, not least, the extremely reasonable prices. This venue can be enjoyed whatever the weather.
Those who would like to order food are welcome to do so, please see the link to the restaurant website below for menu and prices.
In keeping with the 3rd Thursday tradition, this relaxed event is for you to enjoy as you wish, you are welcome to bring guests especially those who may be interested in joining AARO. Please note, we now offer 50% reduced fees for those joining after 1st July.
We are pleased to offer all attendees their first drink (soft drink, wine, beer or sekt) for free.

RSVP is politely requested if you definitely plan to attend, as an idea of numbers is always useful.

When: Thursday 16th July from 6pm
Where: Žofín Garden Restaurant
Slovansky Ostrov
Masarykova nabrezi
Prague 1

Transport: Trams 6, 9, 22, 18 to Narodni Divadlo (100 yards walk along river away from castle), 17 to Narodni Divadlo (you're right there).
Nearest Metro - Narodni Trida, then one stop by tram to Narodni Divadlo

Jeremy Willis
Vice-President, Events
AARO Prague
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77

Media Partner:

Thursday, July 02, 2009


American Center - Advance Events Schedule - July 2009

Dear AARO Members,
FYI - Please note the below event will be held in Czech.
AARO Prague Board


From: Hrncirova, Daniela []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:11 AM
Subject: Apollo 11: Tenkrát na Měsíci - Tip měsíce


§     Tip měsíce                                                     

KDE:   Americké centrum, Tržiště 13,  Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:    Čtvrtek, 16. července, 17.30 hod.

CO:    Apollo 11: Tenkrát na Měsíci  multimediální program

21. července 1969, vstoupila lidská noha poprvé na Měsíc. V den 40. výročí startu mise Apollo 11 se s expertem na astronautiku Ing. Tomášem Přibylem vrátíme nejen k prvním krokům člověka po Měsíci, ale také k celému programu Apollo.  Po přednášce bude následovat diskuse u kulatého stolu s předními českými odborníky a publicisty, kteří zprostředkovávali informace o letu na Měsíc českému publiku. Americké centrum dále nabízí speciální výstavu s dokumenty z Apolla 11 a autogramy astronautů a dále možnost shlédnout dokumentární filmy k 50.výročí vzniku NASA.
Program bude uveden v českém jazyce.

Více informací na   


§     Tip of the Month                                                     

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13,  Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:    Thursday, July 16, 5.30 p.m.

WHAT:    Apollo 11: Once upon a time on the Moon   multimedia program

On July 21 1969, man stepped on the Moon. Astronaut expert Tomáš Přibyl will discuss the 40th anniversary of this event as well as the entire Apollo project. The lecture will be followed by a round table with leading Czech experts and journalists who brought the news about the mission to the Moon to the Czech public.  Furthermore the American Center will offer a special exhibition and new NASA video documentaries.
The program will be held in Czech.


 Admission to all events is free of charge.



Jeremy Willis
Vice-President, Events
AARO Prague
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77

Media Partner:

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