Tuesday, January 23, 2007
AARO / Music in America: A Lecture at the American Center, February 15
Dear AARO Members,
Please let me know if you are not receiving the AARO News & Views e-
mail newsletter from AARO Paris - you should have had one on 20th Jan
and also today. New Members especially take note - I will add your e-
mail addresses to the Paris mail-out if you are not receiving them.
Below - an event organized by the American Center that may be of
interest to AARO Members:
From: Svoboda, Marek [mailto:SvobodaM@state.gov]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 2:20 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Hudba Ameriky: přednáška v Americkém centru 15. února /
Music in America: A Lecture at the American Center, February 15
Music in America: Matters of Sound; Matters of History
Lecture by Adelaida Reyes, Professor of Music/Ethnomusicology, New
Jersey City University
Professor Reyes will explore where America's music comes from, who
makes it, and for what purpose. She will consider how musical culture
is shaped by space and time, by geography and history, by social,
economic, and political factors, and by people who use music to
express themselves. Adelaida Reyes is author, among other works, of
Music in America in which she looks at both the roots of American
musical identity and its many manifestations, and Songs of the Caged,
Songs of the Free, where she explores, through music, the Vietnamese
refugee experience in the U.S.
When: Thursday, February 15, 2007, at 17:00
Where: The American Center
Tržiště 13, Praha 1, approx. 50 m below the Embassy
Please RSVP to cuchnovakx@state.gov or to 257 022 019
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Hudba Ameriky: příběhy zvuků, příběhy dějin
Přednáška Adelaidy Reyes, profesorky etnomuzikologie, New Jersey
City University
Adelaida Reyes bude přednášet o tom, odkud americká hudba
pochází a k jakým účelům vznikala. Zamyslí se nad tím, jak
hudební kulturu ovlnivňue prostor a čas, v němž vzniká, a nad
historickými, ekonomickými a politickými faktory, které hudební
projevy formují. K nejznámějším dílům profesorky Reyesové
patří Music in America, kde zkoumá kořeny a projevy americké
hudební idetity, a Songs of the Caged, Songs of the Free, v němž
prostřednictvím hudby vysvětluje identitu a zkušenost
vietnamských uprchlíků ve Spojených státech.
Kdy: Čtvrtek 15. února v 17:00
Kde: Americké centrum
Tržiště 13, Praha 1, cca 50 m pod velvyslanectvím USA
Prosíme o potvrzení účasti na e-mailu cuchnovakx@state.gov nebo
tel. 257 022 019
Simultánní tlumočení bude zajištěno.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
e-mail: jeremy@pragmatica.cz
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations:
www.praguemonitor.com - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language
electronic newspaper.