Friday, April 06, 2007


AARO - Diary Dates - May - June

Dear AARO Members,

Please note the following dates in your diaries, further details will

April 19th, May 17th, June 21st - 3rd Thursday - Braunuv Sklep
(though we may move to an outside venue as the weather warms.

May 23rd - AARO Movie - Pre-release Exclusive - Kino Atlas 7pm
social, 8pm movie.

June 9th - AARO Summer Picnic - Once again at the home of AARO
President Bill Harter and his wife Hana.

Wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful holiday weekend.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language
electronic newspaper.

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