Wednesday, November 28, 2007


AARO - New e-mail address / December 3rd Thursday

Dear AARO Members,
Please amend your records - with immediate effect, the central e-mail address for all AARO Prague-related correspondence is now:
All AARO Prague announcements will now come from this address, so please add it to your required address book or known sender lists so that announcements are not filtered as spam or unsolicited e-mail. For your information, it is our policy to distribute only information relevant to AARO Members, to include: AARO Prague Events announcements, US Embassy Announcements (including security warnings), AARO Prague newsletters and announcements, announcements of 3rd party events and news* and other suitable information. 

*Feel free to submit announcements to this address for distribution after Board approval.

General enquiries, event rsvps and specific questions should all be sent to this address from now on. Where appropriate, enquiries will be forwarded to the relevant AARO Board Member for their attention.

3rd Thursday - December 20th

As we are approaching the season of goodwill and much partying, December 3rd Thursday will only go ahead if there is sufficient demand from Members. Please be so kind as to let me know if you plan to attend and I will book a space. Thanks.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.

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