Friday, November 09, 2007


U.S. Embassy Warning

All AARO Members,

The notice below has been issued by the Regional Security Officer of the US Embassy in Prague. Please be cautious and be safe.

Best regards,

Bill Harter

There have been press reports that there may be neo-nazi activities planned

on Saturday afternoon or evening.  Below is a synopsis of the possible


The RSO Office has received the information below.  If you plan to be out

in Prague during the afternoon/evening on the 10th, pay attention to, and

avoid the areas noted.

Czech Police are expecting some possible neo-Nazis, Anarchists and Jewish

Union street battles on November 10, 2007 in the afternoon/evening

(Anniversary date of the Crystal night in Germany).  This activity could be

place in the Old Jewish quarter, on the Staromestske square area, streets

Parizska, Maiselova, Brehova.

James D. Pelphrey

Regional Security Officer

U.S. Embassy Prague

Office: (420) 257-022-309

Cell: (420) 724-277-994

Home: (420) 233-322-930


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