Sunday, March 16, 2008
AARO - 3rd Thursday 20th April
Dear AARO Members:
If you didn't join your friends at the last AARO "Third Thursday" in February -- and if you're not already making plans to come to this month's "Third Thursday" on March 20 -- you're robbing yourself of one of the great benefits of your AARO membership.
The April 17th get-together was packed with most of our most active fellow members:
Grady Lida and Lida Lloyd, Irina Rybacek, Carol Sanford, Peter Ridder, Dale Wyatt, Jeremy Willis, Don Hill and Maggie Lawson, Bill Harter, Max and Dorothy Seunik, and Marion Williams and John Robbart.
New members Lorna Straka and Gloria Beranek also made it. So if you didn't, you missed a great evening. But not to worry. AARO will be circulating the details of the March "Third Thursday" in the next few days.
In addition, be sure to make your reservation for AARO's exclusive members-only pre-release screening on March 26 of the Oscar winning movie There Will Be Blood – to include as usual a social pay-bar.
: ) It's AARO time in Prague! Be there! : )
Thanks go to AARO Member Don Hill for contributing this note.
March 3rd Thursday will take place upstairs at Resto Café Patio, Narodní 22, Prague 1 (between Tesco and Café Louvre)
From 6pm.
Metro: Narodní Třída; Trams: 22, 23, 9, 6
Jeremy Willis