Monday, April 14, 2008


AARO - 3rd Thursday - 17th April

Dear AARO Members,
April 3rd Thursday is this week, 17th April. We will be in Resto Cafe Patio again since the venue is proving so agreeable. Space is reserved from 6pm, please come along for a drink, a chat and maybe a bite to eat.

Resto Cafe Patio
Narodni 22,
Prague 1

(Head towards the river from Tesco, Cafe Patio is on your left a few yards after the junction).

Trams (Narodni Trida) : 6, 9, 18, 22, 23
Metro - Narodni Trida

AARO Prague

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.

Thursday, April 10, 2008



Thanks go to Don Hill for this contribution:

Meeting new people and improving one's acquaintanceships has -- to the astonishment of social scientists -- taken on a new life in the wired generation. It turns out that the more hi-tech we get, the more hi-touch we seem to need.

Put another way: The more time we spend with music devices in our ears, mobile telephones masking our faces, fingers on the keyboard clicking out e-mails, the more many of us feel a need to actually BE WITH other people.

Therefore AARO's Third Thursdays!

We had a great time on March 20 when at least 17 members, newcomers and prospects (see roster below *) showed up, sending waiters scurrying to add more table space. Block out time now on your calendar for AARO Third Thursday, April 17. Details will be announced in a few days.

- - - - - - - - - -
Jerry and Barbara Randall
Lida and Grady Lloyd
Max and Dorothy Seunik
Don Hill and Margaret Lawson
Jeremy Willis and Dale Wyatt
Irina Rybacek
Gloria Beranek
Marion Williams
Patty and Paul Gibian
Val Levy
John Catlett
Brenda Love Zejdl

AARO Prague

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


AARO - Americans Abroad Caucus - Overseas Americans Week in D.C.

Dear AARO Members,
Many of you will have read the below excerpt from the recent AARO Paris News and Views newsletter.
For those of you who didn't, please take notice and respond as you see fit.
The issue of giving voice in Washington to issues raised by Americans living overseas is one of AARO's core reasons for existence. The Americans Abroad Caucus came into being largely as a result of the actions of AARO Members in Paris and is a significant step forward in representation of Overseas Americans.
Please support the Caucus, they represent you!
Feel free to write direct to Andy Coyne in Paris at the address below if you have any questions.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
AARO needs your help on the Hill!


In preparation for the upcoming Overseas Americans Week (April 14-18), 
we need you to write to Congress to help us increase the membership 
of the Americans Abroad Caucus.


To do so, go to, enter your US zip code in the box 
on the left-hand side and then one-by-one click on each of your 
members of Congress (your Representative and your two Senators) 
and click on "Contact via Web Form" and then "Compose Your 
Own Letter" to send your email message. 


Feel free to refer to the model letter available on the AARO website 


Most importantly of all, after you have sent your letters, email AARO Paris 
Executive Vice President Andy Coyne at to tell him 
which members of Congress you contacted regarding the Americans 
Abroad Caucus and the name of your home town and state. 


Andy will then follow up with your Representative and Senators to 
schedule personal visits on your behalf during OAW to encourage 
them to join the AAC. 


If you have any problems or questions, don't hesitate to contact 
Andy at


Friday, April 04, 2008


AARO - FW: Czech-American Award for Talented Students 2008 / Česko-americká cena pro talentované studenty 2008

 Dear AARO Members,


From: Prague, American Center []
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 4:23 PM
Subject: Česko-americká cena pro talentované studenty 2008 / Czech-American Award for Talented Students 2008


Czech-American Award for Talented Students 2008

The International Institute of Political Science of Masaryk University in Brno in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States in the Czech Republic and the J.W. Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic are pleased to announce the competition for the third annual Czech-American Award for Talented Students.  

The competition is intended for university students of all study levels and recent graduates who wrote or are currently writing a text related to the U.S. 

Topics for this year's competition are history, culture and education.
The winner will be awarded 10,000CZK and his/her text will be published in one of the editions of the International Institute of Political Science of Masaryk University. Authors of other selected texts will receive TOEFL and GRE vouchers.

The deadline for submissions is April 15 2008.

For more information about the competition, please follow the link below or contact the American Center:




Česko-americká cena pro talentované studenty 2008

Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarykovy univerzity v Brně ve spolupráci s Velvyslanectvím USA v ČR a Komisí J.W. Fulbrighta v ČR otevírají třetí ročník Česko-americké ceny pro talentované studenty. 

Soutěž je určena univerzitním studentům všech stupňů studia a čerstvým absolventům, kteří napsali nebo píší práci tematicky související s USA.

Letošní ročník je Cena vypsána pro texty z oblasti historie, kultury a vzdělávání.
Vítěz získá odměnu 10.000 Kč a možnost vydat svůj text jako knihu v jedné z edičních řad Mezinárodního politologického ústavu MU. Kromě vítězné práce budou odměněni také autoři dalších vybraných textů a to poukázkami jazykové zkoušky TOEFL nebo GRE podle vlastního výběru.

Uzávěrka pro zaslání prací je 15. dubna 2008.

Pro více informací klikněte na odkaz níže, případně kontaktujte Americké centrum:

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