Sunday, April 06, 2008


AARO - Americans Abroad Caucus - Overseas Americans Week in D.C.

Dear AARO Members,
Many of you will have read the below excerpt from the recent AARO Paris News and Views newsletter.
For those of you who didn't, please take notice and respond as you see fit.
The issue of giving voice in Washington to issues raised by Americans living overseas is one of AARO's core reasons for existence. The Americans Abroad Caucus came into being largely as a result of the actions of AARO Members in Paris and is a significant step forward in representation of Overseas Americans.
Please support the Caucus, they represent you!
Feel free to write direct to Andy Coyne in Paris at the address below if you have any questions.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
AARO needs your help on the Hill!


In preparation for the upcoming Overseas Americans Week (April 14-18), 
we need you to write to Congress to help us increase the membership 
of the Americans Abroad Caucus.


To do so, go to, enter your US zip code in the box 
on the left-hand side and then one-by-one click on each of your 
members of Congress (your Representative and your two Senators) 
and click on "Contact via Web Form" and then "Compose Your 
Own Letter" to send your email message. 


Feel free to refer to the model letter available on the AARO website 


Most importantly of all, after you have sent your letters, email AARO Paris 
Executive Vice President Andy Coyne at to tell him 
which members of Congress you contacted regarding the Americans 
Abroad Caucus and the name of your home town and state. 


Andy will then follow up with your Representative and Senators to 
schedule personal visits on your behalf during OAW to encourage 
them to join the AAC. 


If you have any problems or questions, don't hesitate to contact 
Andy at


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