Tuesday, May 20, 2008


AARO - Summer Barbeque - June 21st

Dear AARO Members,
This year's AARO Summer Barbeque will take place Saturday June 21st at the beautiful home of AARO President Bill Harter and his wife Hana, up on the hill in Prague 5 looking out over the city. 
Those of you who attended the 2006 event at the Harters' house will remember what a sumptious treat it was. 
See the link below for photos from the AARO Prague blog archive:

The barbeque will run from 1pm to 5pm, no charge for paid up AARO Members. 
Members are welcome to invite guests, please note that a fee of 600 CZK for adult guests and 300 CZK for children (under 12) will be politely requested to cover the cost of refreshments.

Please RSVP to this address, no later than May 30th. 
Travel directions will be provided closer to the date.

AARO Prague

AARO Partner Organisations:
www.praguemonitor.com - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.

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