Monday, March 15, 2010
AARO 3rd Thursday - March 18th
Dear AARO Members,

AARO Prague
March 3rd Thursday is coming up fast, which means we're even closer to the time when we can move the event to an outdoor venue. Or am I dreaming about that?
In any case, space is reserved in the main restaurant of Braunuv Sklep on Karlovo namesti for the evening of March 18th from 6pm. Please note we will now be seated in the non-smoking section, those who do smoke are permitted to do so in the lower section of the restaurant.
Braunuv Sklep is a friendly, cozy venue with an eclectic, quality menu including international dishes and classic Czech food for those who can't go long without a svickova. Gambrinus, Pilsner and Kozel beers on tap, an excellent selection of wines, all at very reasonable prices. AARO has had many an enjoyable meet here, if you have time please do come along and make March 3rd Thursday another good one.
Hope to see you there,
Your AARO Board.
Transport: Metro - Karlovo namesti Trams: 3, 6, 9, 14, 18, 22 to Karlovo namesti, or 3, 9, 14, 24 to Vodickova.
The entrance to Braunuv Sklep is at Karlovo nam. 24, Prague 1, right opposite the base of the New Town Hall tower in the North East corner of the square, between Reznicka and Zitna.
AARO Prague
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