Tuesday, May 18, 2010


AARO - **Correction - rsvp address**Fwd: Thursday: INTERNATIONAL TAP DANCE DAY - ROD FERRONE

My apologies - if you would like join in on Thursday, please rsvp to aaroprague@pragmatica.cz (ie this address), thanks.
You are welcome to contact me on my personal address, but it is more convenient to keep all AARO-related correspondence in one place.

Dear AARO Members,

In a departure from the usual 3rd Thursday format, I propose to combine the evening with the following event, organized by the American Center of the US Embassy. Please rsvp asap to this address and I will reserve spaces for all who would like to attend.
For those who would like to eat and/or have a drink together afterwards, we can adjourn to a suitable nearby establishment. Please let me know - if there are a number of us, I will make reservation, eg here: http://www.gitanes.cz/docs/menu-en.pdf

Jeremy Willis
VP, Events
AARO Prague

Begin forwarded message:

§       Thursday, May 20, 2010

WHERE:   American Center, Tržiště 13, Prague 1 - Malá Strana

WHEN:     5:30 p.m.


Celebrate with us International Tap Dance Day 2010 with a lecture by US cultural envoy Rod Ferrone from New York. Rod Ferrone, tap dancer and entertainer, has performed to critical acclaim throughout the world, wowing his audiences with his unique blend of tap, physical comedy, eccentric moves, dazzling hat tricks, and tuneful songs and guitar playing. Critics have likened him to Astaire, Cagney and Chaplin.

The program will be in English.


§       Čtvrtek 20. května 2010

KDE:    Americké centrum, Tržiště 13, Praha 1 - Malá Strana

KDY:     17:30 hod.

CO:     MEZINÁRODNÍ DEN STEPU: ROD FERRONE              ednáška s ukázkami  

Další vynikající americký stepař Rod Ferrone vystoupí v Americkém centru Velvyslanectví USA. Tak jako před rokem Robert Reed, nabídne také Rod Ferrone ukázku newyorského stepu spojenou s přednáškou o historii stepu v USA. Akce u příležitosti Mezinárodního dne stepu se uskuteční ve spolupráci s tanečním studiem Zig-Zag a bude doplněna živými ukázkami a videoprojekcí.

Program bude uveden v anglickém jazyce.

This email is UNCLASSIFIED

AARO Prague

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