Sunday, January 28, 2007
AARO Movie - Rocky Balboa - Wed Feb 28th
AARO Pre-release Movie Exclusive:
Rocky Balboa - Wednesday February 28th, Kino Atlas - social: 7:30pm,
movie: 8:30pm
Please note this event is now open to guests, so feel free to invite
others who may be interested in AARO, or who would simply enjoy the
evening - there's plenty of space. Please confirm your attendance and
the number of guests at your earliest convenience, in any case no
later than February 14th. Thank you.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language
electronic newspaper.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
AARO / Music in America: A Lecture at the American Center, February 15
Dear AARO Members,
Please let me know if you are not receiving the AARO News & Views e-
mail newsletter from AARO Paris - you should have had one on 20th Jan
and also today. New Members especially take note - I will add your e-
mail addresses to the Paris mail-out if you are not receiving them.
Below - an event organized by the American Center that may be of
interest to AARO Members:
From: Svoboda, Marek []
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 2:20 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Hudba Ameriky: přednáška v Americkém centru 15. února /
Music in America: A Lecture at the American Center, February 15
Music in America: Matters of Sound; Matters of History
Lecture by Adelaida Reyes, Professor of Music/Ethnomusicology, New
Jersey City University
Professor Reyes will explore where America's music comes from, who
makes it, and for what purpose. She will consider how musical culture
is shaped by space and time, by geography and history, by social,
economic, and political factors, and by people who use music to
express themselves. Adelaida Reyes is author, among other works, of
Music in America in which she looks at both the roots of American
musical identity and its many manifestations, and Songs of the Caged,
Songs of the Free, where she explores, through music, the Vietnamese
refugee experience in the U.S.
When: Thursday, February 15, 2007, at 17:00
Where: The American Center
Tržiště 13, Praha 1, approx. 50 m below the Embassy
Please RSVP to or to 257 022 019
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Hudba Ameriky: příběhy zvuků, příběhy dějin
Přednáška Adelaidy Reyes, profesorky etnomuzikologie, New Jersey
City University
Adelaida Reyes bude přednášet o tom, odkud americká hudba
pochází a k jakým účelům vznikala. Zamyslí se nad tím, jak
hudební kulturu ovlnivňue prostor a čas, v němž vzniká, a nad
historickými, ekonomickými a politickými faktory, které hudební
projevy formují. K nejznámějším dílům profesorky Reyesové
patří Music in America, kde zkoumá kořeny a projevy americké
hudební idetity, a Songs of the Caged, Songs of the Free, v němž
prostřednictvím hudby vysvětluje identitu a zkušenost
vietnamských uprchlíků ve Spojených státech.
Kdy: Čtvrtek 15. února v 17:00
Kde: Americké centrum
Tržiště 13, Praha 1, cca 50 m pod velvyslanectvím USA
Prosíme o potvrzení účasti na e-mailu nebo
tel. 257 022 019
Simultánní tlumočení bude zajištěno.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language
electronic newspaper.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
American Center Discussion - Journalists in Danger
AARO Members - For your information:
From: Svoboda, Marek []
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 4:30 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Novináři v ohrožení: panelová diskuze v Americkém
centru 23. ledna / Journalists in Danger : Panel Discussion --
January 23 in the American Center

Novináři v ohrožení : panelová diskuze v Americkém centru, 23.
ledna v 17:00
Americké centrum si Vás dovoluje pozvat na panelovou diskuzi
"Novináři v ohrožení". Diskuze si klade za cíl přiblížit
různé přístupy různých novinářů a médií ke zpravodajství
zejména z oblastí, kde probíhá konflikt (nebo kde je omezována
svoboda slova) a je otevřena všem s profesionálním či osobním
zájmem o tematiku.
Mezi panelisty zasednou:
Sergei Danilochkin (ředitel, Radio Free Iraq)
Michal Kubal (vedoucí zahraničního zpravodajství, Česká televize)
Jan Rybář (novinář, MF Dnes)
Moderátorem bude Michael Hahn, rada pro tiskové a kulturní
záležitosti velvyslanectví USA v Praze. Simultánní tlumočení
bude zajištěno.
úterý 23. ledna v 17:00
Americké centrum (Tržiště 13, Praha 1, cca 50 m pod
velvyslanectvím USA)
Prosíme o RSVP na e-mailu nebo tel. 257 530 640

Journalists in Danger : Panel Discussion -- January 23 at 5 p.m. in
the American Center
The American Center would like to invite you to a panel discussion
entitled "Journalists in Danger." The discussion aims to compare
different journalists´ approaches to reporting from war regions (or
those where freedom of speech is restricted) and is open to everyone
with professional, scholarly or personal interest in the topic.
The panelists include:
Sergei Danilochkin (Director, Radio Free Iraq)
Michal Kubal (Chief Foreign Correspondent, Czech TV)
Jan Rybář (journalist, MF Dnes)
The discussion will be moderated by Michael Hahn, Public Affairs
Counselor at U.S. Embassy Prague. Simultaneous interpretation will be
Tuesday, January 23 at 5 p.m.
The American Center (Tržiště 13, Praha 1, approx. 50 m below the
Please RSVP to or to 257 530 640.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
AARO - 3rd Thursday - 18th January - Braunuv Sklep
AARO 3rd Thursday - 18th January
Braunuv Sklep
Karlovo namesti 24
Prague 1
From 6pm.
This month's AARO 3rd Thursday is dedicated to our new members. Many
of you will have met each other at the Christmas Reception at the
Residence, but 3rd Thursday is an opportunity for members new and old
to meet, talk, eat, drink and enjoy good company is a less formal
environment. This month we inaugurate a new venue - Braunuv Sklep.
This clean, spacious, well-ventilated restaurant is located in the
vaulted cellar beneath the medieval Braunuv Dum at the corner of
Karlovo namesti, beside the landmark tower of the Novomestky Radnice
(New Town Hall). An excellent menu offers Czech and international
fare, with daily specials and a wide range of non-meat dishes.
Pilsner, Gambrinus and Kozel (tmavy) on tap, a good selection of
quality wines, local and foreign. Prices are very reasonable.
Please come along and enjoy.
In keeping with the 3rd Thursday tradition, rsvp is not mandatory.
Spontaneity is encouraged.
The rule is that members take responsibility for their own tabs -
this is not a catered event.
Please feel free to bring guests, whether they would be interested in
joining AARO or would simply enjoy the gathering.
Member notes:
If you have not already received one of the brand new AARO Prague
lapel pins (featuring the AARO logo and the Czech flag, generously
donated by founder member Norbert Auerbach) please let me know, or
approach Norbert or myself at the next AARO event.
We are always open to members' suggestions and involvement in
organizing events. We have the American Center on Trziste available
to us for guest speaker events; movie screenings from DVD are
possible, either in Trziste or in the salonek at Braunuv Sklep. Any
members interested in forming an Events Sub-Committee, please let me
28th February is the pre-release screening of Rocky Balboa. AARO
members get to see the final Rocky movie before its public release in
the Czech Republic.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77
AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language
electronic newspaper.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
AARO - Movie Pre-Premiere - Rocky Balboa - 28th February
Thursday, January 04, 2007
AARO - Czech Radio Interview - Norbert Auerbach
Dear AARO Members,
Czech Radio recently aired an interview with AARO Prague founder
member and current Vice President Mr. Norbert Auerbach.
Below is the transcript of the interview, you can find the original
text with photos on the following link:
31.12.2006 - Special - Ian Willoughby
Norbert Auerbach - From Barrandov to Hollywood
Norbert Auerbach moved here from Vienna at the age of two and grew up in
Prague in the 1920s and 30s, the son of a very successful motion picture
producer. Indeed, as a boy he lived at Barrandov, home of the Czech
Republic's famous film studios. Mr Auerbach later moved to the
USA, where he had an extremely successful career in Hollywood,
including a
spell as president of United Artists. In this special programme, Norbert
Auerbach, now 84, looks back on a long and colourful life and career.
He had a hand in such hits as the James Bond series, the Beatles
movie A Hard Day's Night and The Pink Panther, to name but a few.
He also worked closely with many famous stars and directors, and even
collaborated with US president Ronald Reagan.
Mr Auerbach, who is 84, now lives in Prague once again. His glittering
career has been captured in a recently published Czech-language book
entitled Z Barrandova do Hollywoodu, From Barrandov to Hollywood. A
for it was on his desk when I spoke to Norbert Auerbach recently in his
Prague centre office.
"Both my father and mother were technically born in the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, my father in the part which is now Poland
and my
mother in the part that is now Bohemia - the Czech Republic.
"When the family first moved from Vienna we lived in the Jewish
section of town and later moved to the Koruna [Palace] building on
Wenceslas Square. In 1930 when the Barrandov studios were starting to be
built, Dad at the same time built a studio on Barrandov hill. And in
we moved to that particular villa."
Did you know a lot of the Czech stars of those days? People like
and Werich, who our listeners would know?
"I knew and was aware as a child that these were...that there
Voskovec and Werich, and Luba Hermanova and Lida Barova and people of
particular type...They were often guests at the house, or I met them
when I
visited the studio. But they were just ordinary people...who basically
worked for my father."
Many people look back at that period in Czechoslovak history, the First
Republic, as a kind of golden era. Was that how you found it? Or were
simply a kid growing up?
"I was 14 years old when we left, so the first 14 years...after
we moved to the Barrandov villa we did live in the lap of luxury, with a
fully staffed - I would say almost overstaffed - house. Two
chauffeurs and
a cook and a cook's helper, gardeners.
"We didn't realise this was unusual and we really
thought that this was normal and that everybody lived like that.
What, you
don't have a chauffeur? Who are you - what's wrong with
your parents (laughs)?!
"And the memory of the life that I have is, yes, that it was very
westernised, they were very western-oriented, lots of cultural
even for us children...a totally westernised country which was
politically stable. But I didn't realise that as a child. I
realised that later on."
Your family moved to the States in the mid to late 1930s?
"No. Dad and one of my sisters who wanted to go to university in
America moved to the States in 1936. My father wanted to leave Europe -
Europe was too small a playing field for him.
"My mother, my other sister and myself were supposed to follow.
But my mother was in no particular rush to move to this country of
and Indians. And/or move away from the extremely luxurious life that she
was leading...
"I eventually left for France two weeks before the Germans took
over Czechoslovakia. My mother and my sister left on the day that the
Germans came in.
"We then were waiting in Paris for our visas. Eventually, as the
war was going on, Dad didn't trust the whole situation and wanted
to bring the family to safety and said he was taking us to Brazil,
where we
would wait for the visas.
"We were first held up in Bordeaux because the ships were not
going as they were supposed to...Eventually when we were about two hours
out of Bordeaux harbour on a Brazilian ship we heard over the radio that
the French had given up. So once again by the skin of our teeth.
"We eventually arrived in Brazil and from Brazil I went with Dad
to the States in 1940. Mother and my other sister followed somewhat
What were your first impressions of the US and how long did it take
you to
start to feel at home there?
"I was naturally somewhat overwhelmed by the first look at New
York with the skyscrapers, I guess like everybody else, and seeing the
Statue of Liberty as we sailed into the harbour.
"But very briefly after we arrived in the States I went off to a
prep school in Maryland. I was really in a rural part of America, and
very much surprised by the huge difference between high school,
in Europe and the atmosphere in an American prep school. It was totally,
totally different, and I liked it very much.
"I was also doing my very best to become Americanised as
quickly as possible. I was very active in sports, which helped very
And I guess a couple of years later you joined the US Army?
"I went into the army relatively shortly after Pearl
Harbour...First I graduated from high school and started at
university at studies were interrupted by my joining the army - I think
it was
early in '42.
"By that time I was 18, 19, war seemed to be some kind of jolly
adventure which a young man should not miss. But to the contrary of many
Americans, especially many Americans of my age, less sophisticated, I
that there were terrible things happening in Europe and that we were
fighting against shall we say evil, to put it simply."
After the war you went back to the States and began your long career in
film. Given your father's business, your father's work,
was that something you felt destined to do?
"Not at all. I never thought of going in to the motion picture
business. As a matter of fact when I left the army I first finished my
studies and got a Masters in business administration and a BA in soil
science. The idea was that I would go to Israel and manage orange
plantations which my father owned there.
"I didn't particularly want to go to what was at that
time Palestine, where life was still primitive. Being lost and not
knowing what to day Dad came home and said, why don't
you start on a production project? He happened to be financing a
particular production.
"So I started there as a gofer, without any particular privileges
because my dad was part of the financing group. On the contrary, much
was expected of me.
"I worked my way up to first assistant director but production
never appealed to me...I then went into work in a lab, in a distribution
company - in each particular case at that time these first jobs were in
companies in which Dad had an interest.
"Eventually I wanted to sort of escape my father's
influence. He basically wanted me to stay and work with him, which I
didn't want. That's when I joined Columbia pictures.
Again as a messenger boy - but an experienced messenger boy (laughs).
"Then came the various companies, the various promotions, I
don't think that we have time to go into all of them, until I
ended up as president of United Artists. After United Artists I was
president of United Artists International, which was a company
working out
of London."
Before you reached the top in Hollywood you spent many years as a
executive in Europe and worked with many of the great starts of the day,
people like Jean Paul Belmondo, Sophia Loren and Brigitte Bardot. I read
in Z Barrandova do Hollywoodu that you played a part in the discovery of
Bardot - tell us a bit about that, please.
"The truth is that a very well-known French producer came to us
and had a project called And God Created Woman - he had a young girl by
the name of Brigitte Bardot who would star in the picture. Well, we had
never heard of her but we did take a look and certainly saw something in
her that was very attractive and very special.
"But we decided that this was not enough, that we needed the
support of some well known name, beside Brigitte. We told the
producer to
bring the Curd Jurgens, who was a well known German actor at that time,
and we will finance your film.
"And that really was how And God Created Woman came about. It
discovered Brigitte and St Tropez. Probably the discovery of St
Tropez was
more important than the discovery of Bardot, who was a sexy little
but a terrible actress!"
You also were involved with the Beatles on their first film A Hard
Day's Night.
"The Beatles at the time were very little known, if at all,
outside of England. It was really the office in London which came
with the
idea of making a film with the Beatles - it was a very reasonably priced
"I personally wanted to see how it work on the continent, so I
decided to travel with the Beatles to Germany, France and Italy. While
they obviously were not established by the one picture, when it was
released it became a success.
"My personal communications with the Beatles were extremely
difficult because they spoke with this Liverpudlian accent. They were
extremely shy...everything was new to them, it was really like taking
of four children."
By that time the James Bond series had already started and you played a
role in the genesis of James Bond too, I believe.
"Yeah. As I think I say in the book, a victory always has many
fathers and defeat has no mother.
"We had regular production meetings in London, because United
Artists was very active in producing films in Europe, in Italy, in
Germany, in France, in England. We were not just taking the American
"At that particular production meeting question a very banal
question was asked of me - what product would I like to have? And I
well I feel that for my countries action pictures with some humour are
very, very attractive, because they're easy to digest for the
various nations where we do business.
"As an example I cited the Ian Fleming book Dr. No which I was
just reading. And that gave birth to the fact that the rights to all the
Fleming books were acquired jointly by UA, and at that time two
Harry Saltzman and Cubby Broccoli.
"That's how the Bond series started. Nobody anticipated
at that particular time that it will be what it has become."
I also read that the director of the first Bond film Dr. No took it
seriously, and was sad that people laughed at the film.
"Terence Young was one of these elegant Englishmen, I would
call him - Saville Row suits, the best wines, always with beautiful
ladies. He was as English as could be, or as one imagines an English
gentleman to be.
"When we had the first screening in London I came a little late
and I was standing in the back of the screening room, because there
was no
more room to sit, next to Terence. And when the lights came on he was
crying. I said, Terence, what's the matter? This is a lovely
film, everybody enjoyed it.
"And he simply said, they laughed. The fact is, being what he was
he took the character of Bond terribly seriously, to him it was an
absolutely real character. He did not intend to film it as a parody,
it was, and which became more and more pronounced as time went
And of course the latest Bond film was partly filmed here in the Czech
Republic. Have you seen the new Bond?
"We're talking about Casino Royale, which is a remake.
I remember when they were shooting Casino Royale in Paris, the first
With David Niven?
"With David Niven and Peter Sellers. I have seen the new film,
I've spoken to the producers who today are Barbara Broccoli, the
daughter of Cubby Broccoli, and Michael Wilson, a step-son of Mr
Broccoli's. They are the principal producers and half owners of
the rights, jointly with UA.
"I think they did a very, very clever thing. Because this Bond is
more serious than the others. It goes with the times, it goes with the
subject of terrorism. If you have seen it you will agree with just about
everybody else that we are back [with Daniel Craig] to a Sean Connery
type, in other words a real actor, which the others - Lazenby, Moore
etc - were not.
"As I say I was very much in touch with the producers here.
I'm glad they came here, they were extremely satisfied and
expressed the desire to be able to come back with the next one, if
that is
at all possible."
Getting back to your own career in Hollywood, when you became
of United Artists I guess many doors opened to you. I know you were also
involved in some way with President Ronald Reagan in those days.
"For a number of years I was already senior vice president, which
was really quite a high position in the industry. So the people I met as
president were really not that much different, perhaps with the
of a few very important bankers, who started keeping in contact with me.
"I had met Reagan as an actor, some years previously. But then I
met Reagan principally because one of my best friends was married to the
widow of Cary Grant. And the Grants were contemporaries of the
Reagans and
were very, very close friends.
"When Reagan was president he came one time to California, where
I was at that time working. My friend invited me and I met the
Reagans on
a totally informal basis.
"Eventually I did this rather, I would say, unimportant job of
working for the United States Information Office, putting together some
shows, which were supposed to travel around the world.
"I was sort of a watchdog to see that as many of
Reagan's films as possible were shown in that particular show -
in spite of the fact that they were certainly not the best films in the
During all these years we're talking about, did you maintain many
contacts with Czechoslovakia or Prague?
"Not really. Of course during the war there was no contact. I
came here still as a soldier at the end of the war and was able to
establish contact with what was my best friend in my youth. I then
maintained contact with him.
"He came to visit me in Paris, in London, in the States. I came
to communist Czechoslovakia a number of times on business, or sometimes
just on a short private visit. But he was really the only one from my
young days that I had contact with."
Is it the case that you were here at the time of the Velvet Revolution?
"Yes, I came in the summer of '89 to sit with this
friend of mine that I mentioned, who was dying of cancer. I was doing
these magic things that one had to do at that particular time,
looking for
special medicine, bringing a healer from Brazil...and visiting doctors.
Basically holding the hand of a dying man.
"In November of that year the Velvet Revolution surprised us all.
In March of '90 my friend died. By that time I had moved away from
the States due to a very nasty divorce.
"I decided to stay here and see whether with my knowledge of the
world I could be helpful in the process of transforming this country
communism. Eventually my friend's widow became my wife."
Source: Czech Radio 7, Radio Prague
Copyright 2007 Radio Prague
All rights reserved
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Re: AARO - PF 2007 / Diary Dates
Anyone else have a smokeless venue suggestion?