Thursday, November 29, 2007


AARO - FW: WARDEN MESSAGE: Voting - Early Primary Election dates

Subject: Voting Assistance Program - Early Primary Election dates

News Release # 17
November 27, 2007


New Hampshire and Michigan have scheduled their Presidential Primary
elections.  New Hampshire will conduct their Presidential Primary
election on January 8, 2008 and Michigan will conduct their Presidential
Primary election for January 15, 2008.

Voting Assistance Officers should inform New Hampshire and Michigan
voters and provide help as required in requesting and returning their
absentee ballot.


If you have not done so already in calendar year 2007, all members of
the U.S. Uniformed Services and their family members and citizens
residing outside the U.S. who are either New Hampshire or Michigan
residents should request a ballot by completing and submitting a
registration and ballot request Federal Post Card Application (FPCA),
SF-76, as soon as possible.  The online version of the FPCA is available
from the FVAP website at


The following states will hold Primary elections early in 2008.  An
asterisk indicates a change from the date printed in the Voting
Assistance Guide:

New Hampshire* January 8, 2008
Michigan* January 15, 2008
South Carolina* (R) January 19, 2008
Florida January 29, 2008
South Carolina* (D) January 29, 2008
Alabama February 5, 2008
Arizona* February 5, 2008
Arkansas February 5, 2008
California February 5, 2008
Connecticut February 5, 2008
Delaware February 5, 2008
Georgia February 5, 2008
Illinois February 5, 2008
Missouri February 5, 2008
New Jersey February 5, 2008
New Mexico (D) February 5, 2008
New York February 5, 2008
Oklahoma February 5, 2008
Tennessee February 5, 2008
Utah February 5, 2008
Louisiana February 9, 2008
District of Columbia* February 12, 2008
Maryland February 12, 2008
Virginia February 12, 2008
Washington February 19, 2008
Wisconsin February 19, 2008
Massachusetts March 4, 2008
Ohio March 4, 2008
Rhode Island March 4, 2008
Texas March 4, 2008
Vermont March 4, 2008
Puerto Rico March 9, 2008
Mississippi March 11, 2008


The FVAP can be contacted via 1-800-438-8683. Citizens may reach the
FVAP toll-free from 67 countries using the toll-free numbers listed on
the FVAP website, Questions regarding the above may also
be referred to the Director, Federal Voting Assistance Program,
Department of Defense, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-1155,
and email at

AARO Prague

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.


AARO - US Embassy Security Announcement - Soccer Match 29th November

From the U.S. Embassy Prague:

Please pass the following to anyone who will be traveling in Prague 6 this afternoon and evening. 
There will be the football match Sparta Prague x Spartak Moscow today at 1830 in AXA (Toyota) Arena Letna. Police expect about 400 Russian rowdies and will provide security measures in the neighborhood. Police also expect problems with traffic in Letna this afternoon.

If you use the routes leading past the Israeli Embassy, Letna Park or pod Kastany, you should plan accordingly or consider altering your route.  Expect side streets around the stadium to be congested with people looking for parking and pedestrians.

James D. Pelphrey
Regional Security Officer
U.S. Embassy Prague 

AARO Prague

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


AARO - New e-mail address / December 3rd Thursday

Dear AARO Members,
Please amend your records - with immediate effect, the central e-mail address for all AARO Prague-related correspondence is now:
All AARO Prague announcements will now come from this address, so please add it to your required address book or known sender lists so that announcements are not filtered as spam or unsolicited e-mail. For your information, it is our policy to distribute only information relevant to AARO Members, to include: AARO Prague Events announcements, US Embassy Announcements (including security warnings), AARO Prague newsletters and announcements, announcements of 3rd party events and news* and other suitable information. 

*Feel free to submit announcements to this address for distribution after Board approval.

General enquiries, event rsvps and specific questions should all be sent to this address from now on. Where appropriate, enquiries will be forwarded to the relevant AARO Board Member for their attention.

3rd Thursday - December 20th

As we are approaching the season of goodwill and much partying, December 3rd Thursday will only go ahead if there is sufficient demand from Members. Please be so kind as to let me know if you plan to attend and I will book a space. Thanks.

Jeremy Willis
AARO Prague Events Chair
Mobile: + 420 602 26 26 77

AARO Partner Organisations: - The Czech Republic's Daily English-language electronic newspaper.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Demonstrations - Saturday 17th November

The Prague US Embassy RSO office has received the following
information regarding this
weekend's demonstrations:
There will be a number of demonstrations on Saturday and Sunday this
weekend in Prague. A brief synopsis of each is listed below. None are
expected to be violent, but as always be aware of your surroundings and
if a demonstration turns violent, depart the area immediately or get off
the street into a shop or restaurant to avoid any clashes.
Neo-Nazis - The beginning of the neo-nazi demonstration (11/17/2007) is
expected around 2 p.m. at Palackeho namesti.
No March, 50 - 100 people.
Demonstration march against neo-nazis on Saturday and Sunday in the
following areas:
Beginning at Sv. Ducha Street going to Badeniho Street near the Israeli
Embassy, ending at Fibichova Street. 20-50 people. All day.
In memory of Chrsytalnacht:
Starting in Brehova Street going through Siroka Street ending on F.
Kafky Square. 30 People
March through Prague against taking body parts in China for medical
Starts on Old Town Square at 0800 (8 am) goes across Wensclas Square, to
Narodni Street, Charles Bridge, Nerudova Street, ending at Prague
Castle. Arrival at Prague Castle at 1500 (3pm). Several stops along
the way. 100-200 people.
Buddhist prayers:
Na Mustku. 10 people. All day
In memory of the velvet revolution:
Wensclas Square from 1000 (10 am) to 1830 (6:30 pm). 500 people.
Antimissile Defense demonstration:
Gathering at Wensclas Square at 1400 (2pm). March begins at 1845
(6:45pm) goes past Manesuv Bridge to Czech Government Building ending at
2030 (8:30 pm). Up to 1,000 people.
Democracy promotion demonstration:
On Narodni Street. Up to 500 people. 1630 (4:30 pm) to 1915 (7:15pm)
Against Neo-Nazis. See above
In memory of Chrystalnacht. See above.
Buddhist prayers: See above.
Annunciation of the Gospel.
Wensclas Square, 30 people. 1500 (3pm) to 2200 (10pm)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Prague Post Playwriting Competition

Ever Lived in Prague? Ever Written a Play?
The Praguepost Playwriting Contest
is intended for you!

Only one month more
we are accepting submissions
? the top three finalists receive a full production at Divadlo Minor in
March 2008
? the top prize as awarded by the judges is a 20 000 Kc
? special prize for the best play written by a non-native English speaker

You have still enough time ? Until November 30th

So what?s stopping you? Get writing!

Full contest rules can be found at

Friday, November 09, 2007


U.S. Embassy Warning

All AARO Members,

The notice below has been issued by the Regional Security Officer of the US Embassy in Prague. Please be cautious and be safe.

Best regards,

Bill Harter

There have been press reports that there may be neo-nazi activities planned

on Saturday afternoon or evening.  Below is a synopsis of the possible


The RSO Office has received the information below.  If you plan to be out

in Prague during the afternoon/evening on the 10th, pay attention to, and

avoid the areas noted.

Czech Police are expecting some possible neo-Nazis, Anarchists and Jewish

Union street battles on November 10, 2007 in the afternoon/evening

(Anniversary date of the Crystal night in Germany).  This activity could be

place in the Old Jewish quarter, on the Staromestske square area, streets

Parizska, Maiselova, Brehova.

James D. Pelphrey

Regional Security Officer

U.S. Embassy Prague

Office: (420) 257-022-309

Cell: (420) 724-277-994

Home: (420) 233-322-930


Wednesday, November 07, 2007


AARO - Thanksgiving - Friday 23rd NOVEMBER

Dear AARO Members,

This year we plan to mark Thanksgiving, that most American of holidays.
We offer a full, traditional Thanksgiving feast, to be held from 7pm
on Friday November 23rd, in the upstairs rooms of the Reykjavik
restaurant on Karlova in the heart of old Prague.
Those of you who have frequented Reykjavik will know it as one of
Prague's finest international eateries.
Reykjavik website:

In order to stage this event in appropriate style, we will politely
request a per head contribution of 300 CZK for AARO Members and
their Families, and 600 CZK for Member's Guests, this amount to
include all wine, beer and soft drinks.

The Board politely requests that Members rsvp in plenty of time,
thereby ensuring an enjoyable and satisfying evening for all.

Your AARO Prague Board

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